June 1st  |  June 2nd  |  June 3rd  |  June 4th  |  June 5th
The Legacy
This short documentary is showcasing the beauty of one of the most interesting places in Romania, the Maramureș Country, and the relations between people and nature in this historical land.
21 min, Romanian language
Directed by Dan Dinu, Romania 2022

More info​​​​​​​

This movie screening is sold out, but you may find some extra seats at the location before the movie starts.

Mures Floodplain
Mureș is the longest inland river of Romania and it forms a beautiful wetland protected by a nature park that conserves its biodiversity.
28 min, Romanian language with English subtitle
Directed by Dan Dinu, Romania 2022

Q&A with Fulviu Moga
During this session, we will discuss with the director of the Mures Floodplain Nature Park about the challenges they face in order to conserve the biodiversity of the area.
This movie screening is sold out, but you may find some extra seats at the location before the movie starts.

The Velvet Queen - Audience Award
A new screening of the movie that is our Audience Award winner and the closing of the first edition of our festival.
Free entrance within a limited number of participants.

June 1st  |  June 2nd  |  June 3rd  |  June 4th  |  June 5th